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The Industrious Youth – A Powerful Individial 2

The Nigeria of today needs the intervention of the industrious youth. The Nigerian of today needs the

  • I – Innovative
  • N – Nationalistic
  • D – Decent
  • U – Unadulterated
  • S – Strong-willed
  • T – Talented
  • R – Resourceful
  • I – Intelligent
  • O – Observant
  • U – Undeterred
  • S – Selfless YOUTH

We have to get out there, find something to do and do it. It might be attending a class or training. It does not stop here either, it is very important to put our minds to it and not just do a flimsy job, but do it like our life depend on it. No matter what anybody says “Hard (Dilligent) work will always pay”. No ancient in his right mind would want to give the keys to helm of the kingdom to someone who has nothing going for him. Proverbs 22: 29 says “Do you see a man who is skilled in his work, He will stand before kings and not obscure men”.

We need to put all forms of distractions, fear of rejection and begin to look inward and ask yourself these vital questions:

  • Who am I?
  • What powers do I have?
  • How can my powers help me and my country at large?
  • How do I harness these powers to its full potential?
  • Who do I meet to synergize my powers it?

This is the 1st stage of a long arduous but self-fulfilling journey that would not only shape your life but that of your family, friends, community and nation at large. It is time for the youths of Nigeria to be industrious and hardworking. It is time for the youths to utilize their God given powers for the good of a glorious Nigeria.

It is time for the youths to be the LEADERS of TODAY.


Written by; Osiname Michael

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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