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I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris | DeAltar

I Kissed Dating Goodbye – Joshua Harris {EBook}

Reading a book is a lot like a dating relationship. Granted, the analogy isn’t perfect (you’d never take a book out to a
movie), but when you read a book you do spend time alone. You hold it, stare into its face, and give it your undivided attention. Like a dating relationship, reading a book can carry you to the peaks and valleys of emotional experience – it can make you laugh or even make you angry.

I hope that you’re not one of those “love “em and leave “em” types who read to the third chapter of a book and
then dump it. If you are, you probably won’t get much out of this one. As with a meaningful relationship, reading
this book requires a certain level of commitment – a commitment to think hard and wrestle with ideas that
will challenge your present views of dating.

Many wise people say that honesty is the best policy in any relationship. So before you “get serious” with this
book, you need to understand one thing. This book isn’t like other books on dating. Most other books will tell you
how to fix dating to make it work for you. This book tells you how to “break up” with dating so your life works for
God. I Kissed Dating Goodbye is about the reasons and ways to leave behind the world’s lifestyle of dating.

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