Why You Need Prayer Partners
The idea behind having a prayer partner is to have someone that would intercede for you and vice versa before holy God. The aim is to find God's will for every situation. A prayer partner could be your friend, your…
The idea behind having a prayer partner is to have someone that would intercede for you and vice versa before holy God. The aim is to find God's will for every situation. A prayer partner could be your friend, your…
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed fringilla magna in sem mollis eleifend. Nulla facilisi. Sed sit amet nulla massa. Cras tempor nec justo vitae blandit. Nunc lectus tellus, condimentum vel porta vitae, faucibus id sem. Phasellus magna…
When a 3-month-old baby girl is hungry what does she do? When she needs her mother for something what does she do? SHE CRIES! She doesn’t cry because she wants to, she cries because she believes she’ll get what she…
First, what is GRATITUDE? Gratitude is one of many positive emotions. It's about focusing on what's good in our lives and being thankful for the things we have. Gratitude is pausing to notice and appreciate the things that we often…
Many times when people ask this question, it's because there's a pending request that seems to be unanswered. Unknown to some of us, we get to thank God for unanswered prayer in retrospect of what would have happened if that…
Success is usually the end product of a culmination of various little positive habits. It's the result of weeks, months or years of intentionality and routine. The difference between high achievers and regular people is intention. If you get up…
The Richest Man in Babylon is a 1926 book written by George S. Clason. It remains one of the most popular and influential books on financial planning. The book reveals the strategies to acquiring money, making money, and securing your…
It is interesting how we learn several skills growing up, but Financial Intelligence is not considered an essential skill to learn. When I started learning about financial principles recently, I got incredibly defensive regarding my spending habit, primarily because I…
Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad was first published in 1997 and quickly became a must-read for people interested in investing, money, and the global economy. The book has been translated into dozens of languages, sold around the world, and…
In recent times, there has been an explosion of information relating to Financial Intelligence. Thanks to the internet, there are lots of blog posts, social media accounts, that are dedicated to providing resources about finance, money, and other related concepts.…