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Embrace Equity; IWD 2023

 For centuries, we have tried everything possible to make the world understand that being a woman isn’t a disadvantage, and have encouraged them to embrace equity. 
For as long as I can remember, we have empowered ourselves as women to even our chances in society, constantly fighting to have our voices heard.

Today, Wednesday, March 8th, 2023, as we embrace equity, we celebrate and recognize every woman out there who against all odds has fought to change the status quo. Women who have championed this movement, making sacrifices not only for themselves but for the future. Amazing women who forfeited their comfort to create a comfortable world for other women.

Super women like Clara Zetkin (Leader of the ‘Women’s Office’ for the Social Democratic Party in Germany) who tabled the idea of an International Women’s Day. She proposed that every year in every country there should be a celebration on the same day – a Women’s Day – to press for their demands. Brave women like Florence Nightingale, who changed the face of modern-day nursing and significantly reduced death rates by improving hygiene and living standards.

We are also not ignorant of the role technology has played empowering women, and opening us up to a world of opportunities. It has also leveled the playground, giving women around the globe a chance to find their voice and be heard. The gift of technology has helped us achieve considerable feats in embracing equity over the years. 

We have successfully been able to harness the deep well of technology and the internet in providing numerous online courses and certifications to  women.  A large number of Non-governmental organizations have bought into this vision by making a variety of boot camps and other resources available to women for free or at very affordable prices to increase the participation of women in pursuing and achieving their dreams. 

The International Women’s Day movement has brought into the limelight the importance of an inclusive society, not just for the present day, but also for the future we hope to build. As we #EmbraceEquity, we celebrate how far we have come while mapping out strategies to create the world we long to live in. Till we converge next year, I’ll leave you with a quote from Susan K. Gardner

“Equality is giving everyone a shoe. Equity is giving everyone a shoe that fits”
Happy International Women’s Day, we #EmbraceEquity.

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