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My Sure and Immovable Anchor

My Sure and Immovable Anchor By Overcomer

Things came crashing down
Or at least that’s what I expected
I was not surprised because it didn’t seem like they were well placed in the first place
I kept waiting for the total shutdown
I looked forward to it
I even tried to trigger it
But it never came
I couldn’t understand
Things weren’t working out
Everything seemed broken down
Torn apart
Yet, there was just something
I couldn’t place my hand on it
All I know is as much as I tried and awaited the complete falling apart
It never came
Flashes of hope came
I did toss them away
There’s no point since the end is near here
Then I got tired of waiting
I had given up hope an eternity ago
Yet it never gave up on me
I decided to give it a chance
That’s when I discovered why I couldn’t come crashing down as much as I tried
I had an anchor
My anchor
That I didn’t know it was there didn’t stop it from working
I just paid the price for my ignorance with pain
But since I discovered it, order, peace, growth, have replaced the chaos I experienced all that while back
Hope is no longer some faraway fantasy
It’s the reason I can wake up willing to go a step further
Because I have an anchor
My anchor
My sure, steadfast, immovable anchor.
Written by: Overcomer
You Are Never Alone

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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