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You Are Loved

You Are Loved; By Vicky

It’s one phrase you’ve always seen and always heard but do you know it?

“Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so…”

Remember our rhymes as toddlers? Oh yeah!

When we sang because we were compelled to, at other times because the words were familiar, many other times because the special ‘love’ word was there.

And now that we have grown, we ask

How is it love when bad is given a part in my life?

How is it love when the world I know vanishes away?

How is it love when it seems there’s no end to pain?

How is it love when hope travels a distance south from my location?

How is love when the day is dark and there is no sign of sunshine or wonder of rainfall?

We do excellently well in our list but if we would be honest, we also had our parts to play. What part?

The part of choice. Yeah that part!

But it is easy and comfortable to blame someone especially since He is gracious and merciful, Oh thank God for grace and mercy!

Well, some things happen in our lives that we prolly do not understand but it doesn’t change the truth that Jesus loves us–never!

Matter of truth, His love is the strength of our life.

And through the situations, challenges, trying times — just put whatever name to it. Well,you think of just one person that would love you outta misery and you cry hard when even family ain’t an option but Jesus, yes Jesus,oh Jesus how He loves you!

Tell it to you, sing it to you, know it and find your heart illuminated with so much love that will overflow and whether or not anyone wants to, they would fall in love with the radiant and comfortable you.

Remember the end to our rhyme?

“….little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong”

Oh yeah! He is the strength in our weakness everytime.

Always, Jesus loves you is the miracle and strength that you need!

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