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The Penny by Joyce Meyer and Deborah Bedford - DeAltar

The Penny By Joyce Meyer and Deborah Bedford

Jenny Blake has a theory about life: big decisions often don’t amount to much, but little decisions sometimes transform everything. Her theory proves true the summer she’s 14, when she makes the decision to pick up a penny embedded in asphalt and consequently ends up stopping a robbery, getting a job, and meeting someone who changes her life forever-Miss Shaw. Together they form a friendship that dares both of them to confront secrets in their pasts-secrets that threaten to destroy them.

Jenny helps Miss Shaw open up to the community around her, while Miss Shaw teaches Jenny to meet even life’s most painful challenges with confidence and faith. This unexpected relationship transforms them both in ways neither could have anticipated, and the ripple effect that begins that summer goes on to bring new life to the people around them, revealing how God works in the smallest details-even in something as small as THE PENNY.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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