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The Examination

“The Examiner is always silent during the Examination” – Unknown.

Often times we go through periods in our lives which test us, they test our faith, our character and attitude, our strength, our patience level, our trust level and our resolve.

These are the same as the periods a student would face after every semester or term just to prove that he or she has being paying attention in class. It is the examination period where all he or she has learned over a period of time is tested and applied. If successful, gets a promotion and if not successful has to repeat such a class. Failure to pass this examination means he or she did not really understand what he or she was taught.

Every period of our lives God teaches us something, every day we learn something, our daily experiences are laden with lessons for us to take in. Virtually everywhere we go, our eyes meet various forms of lessons some of which we take in, others we discard; the church, school, community, friends and so on. We learn everywhere. However the greatest proof of learning is application; the greatest test knowledge can face is when it is expected to leave its virtual realm and become visible and practical for everyone to see.

So the question is what have you done with all the lessons you have acquired? Some of us are being tested without even realizing it. The very things we claim to know are being tasked to go a step further by application. Many of us have not moved on to the next stage of our lives because we are still struggling with the present tests and examinations. This probably shows how we pay attention in class. We learn everyday but when our knowledge is put to test, we shrink. A lot of us flaunt our depth in knowledge, everyone already thinks of us as experts but when faced with simple tests that question the credibility of our knowledge, we fumble and our esteem eventually crumbles.

We run away from such tests in fear, we start doubting and questioning and we are no longer sure of ourselves. The fear of failure enveloping our hearts that we refuse to even give a try

How great are the falls of the mighty in the face of very simple tests. You want to know how strong a building is or how strong its foundation is; wait till it faces a real storm; then you will know if it is strong enough.

Examinations are not to show us how bad we are but they show us how much we still have to learn. Sooner or later you will be faced with series of tests, some have started already. In the midst of these tests, bring back the memories of all you have learned so far; deep within those memories are the answers you are looking for.

You may have noticed this already; Examinations themselves are lessons in disguise, so don’t write them off. Be strong and be of good courage; every challenge, test or examination is a step higher to the next level or phase of your life and note this; every new level comes with its own challenge and every new phase comes with its own maze.

If you want to move on to the next level or phase in your purpose, you need to sit down and take your tests.

You Are Never Alone.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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