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Battle For The Seed

What do you make of this? A farmer planted seed. As he scattered the seed, some of it fell on the road, and birds ate it. Some fell in the gravel; it sprouted quickly but didn’t put down roots, so when the sun came up it withered just as quickly. Some fell in the weeds; as it came up, it was strangled by the weeds. Some fell on good earth, and produced a harvest beyond his wildest dreams. Are you listening to this? Really listening?” – Jesus (Matthew 13:3-9 MSG).

I heard this very insightful message at Breath of Life Youth Church last Saturday and I felt it was worth sharing and you will certainly be blessed by it.

Everyone has been deposited with something great. Something great yet looks so little; little wonder it is called a seed. Many of us do not know what we carry, hence we allow ourselves to be tossed here and there by people who are just as confused as we are. When our yield should be at 100%, many of us settle for 60%, some settle for 30%, others do not even have anything to produce. In this case, the problem is not with the seed but with the seed carrier and guess what; a lot of people are after this seed.

So many people have got plans for the seed in us; God has plans, the devil does, we have ours, our parents, extended family, the society, the church, even those who claim to be our enemies all have their plans… The battle for the seed in us is very fierce and every contender is serious about winning. No kidding!

It is not just a battle for the seed but also a battle for destiny and ultimately for generations unborn.  So what might start on a small scale is potentially a global scale phenomenon and virtually every contender knows this except in many cases the seed carrier.

A lot of people are living lives they never intended, lives they never dreamed of, all because they do not seem to realize that they have a huge role to play in determining the direction of their lives. Many of us are actively walking away from the plans of the One who put the seed there in the first place.

So, who planted these seeds?

This is very important because, the best person to rely on is the One who sowed the seed. Regardless of what others may say, none of them have a good enough understanding of what was in the mind of the Sower. They may have an idea of the potential you have inside of you but none can tell u precisely what you have except the One who sowed the seed (GOD).

He has a perfect plan for you and the seed He sowed in you; but there is a waiting period. That period between conception and birth for a pregnant woman; that period between sowing and harvesting for the farmer; the period between admission and graduation for a student. The waiting period is the preparation period, the foundation laying period. It is not always interesting, most times painful. It is the time you equip yourself and begin to look like the fruit you are about to produce.

A man that will yield 100% is that man who fights for his seed and waits for God’s perfect will. A man who is not moved by what people say, neither he is moved by the society’s dictates, confused by family desires but stays focused on fulfilling the perfect will of the Sower and will develop the right root-foundation strong enough for the harvest he anticipates.

“If you don’t fight for your seed, you could lose your relevance and ultimately your life essence.” The good news however is that victory is assured. 

Curled from Battle for the Seed by Pastor Topsticks, Breath of Life Youth Church.

Join us every Saturday from 1pm-3:30pm as we fellowship, hear God’s mind and enjoy God’s presence at Breath of Life Youth Church. 24 Obanikoro street, off Obanikoro B/Stop, Lagos.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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