Guard Your Heart…
Your most prized possession could be the most vulnerable
The most guarded could be the most insecure
The most protected could be the most unsafe
Pointing to the need and importance of security
The question here is what is most precious to you?
Is it the material things you stay glued to?
Or those around you think you can’t do without?
You have to look within to find out
It’s never glaring all through life
But out of it flows the issues of life
Ever felt jaded and frustrated?
Encouraged and motivated?
These are streams that originate from this vulnerable ocean
Still wondering what this is?
What is this that requires so much attention?
Hold still a minute…
With your right hand married to the left side of your chest
Feel and listen to its beat
Blood and life flows from it
Your heart, the seat of feelings and intuitions
The jury that makes the decision
Whatever you will be on the outside starts from the inside
The bones, ribs, muscles are not enough protection
They cannot stop the waves of attack against it
These enemies, not only stronger but are subtle than any other
What then is the way out?
Build a wall of will around your heart to defend it
Arm your soldiers with knowledge to fight back
Make sure God is on your side
Do all you can to guard your heart
It is your most prized possession
If you lose it, you have lost life and its essence
Protect it with all you’ve got
A lot of enemies is what it’s got
Guard your heart with all diligence
‘cos out of it flows the issues of life
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