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The Survivors Series

Part 1

Contemporary English defines Survivors as people that survive in spite of adversity. However, I believe this definition does not fully describe and appreciate these great men and women.

Survivors are conquerors, victors, overcomers, heroes, champions, everything that depicts winning despite the odds will do more justice in describing this group of people.

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The Survivors

While watching the movie; “Soul Surfer”, I was inspired to write this poem, and begin a series where we learn from the great survivors of our time and times before now. This will lead to us finding hope no matter what we have faced or what we are going through… Someone has been where you are right now…

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The Icebreaker is an interview aimed at helping youths and teens understand what is out there for them as well as breaking down the roles of each individual in every unit of the society, eventually teaching them how to face and break through challenges associated with the society. “No matter how hard, it can be broken”.

In this edition, we will be sharing thoughts with Miss Adekoya Adedayo on; “Ladies, Guys and the Society”.

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