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Sacrifice and Leadership: The Personal Costs of Leading Effectively.

Sacrifice and Leadership: The Personal Costs of Leading Effectively.

A true leader.
The Sacrifice of a Leader.

Sacrifice and Leadership go hand in hand. It is impossible to lead effectively without sacrificing anything. I am not talking about the kind of “sacrifice” trending on your social media platforms. I am talking about those things you must do because you are a leader. So, to be sure we are on the same page, let’s stop to answer the question – what is sacrifice?

What is sacrifice?

In this context, the Oxford Dictionary defines sacrifice as giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy. I would say sacrifice is giving up something important for something important. For example; God so loves us that He gave his only Son as a sacrifice, so that we all can be free from sin and death (Ephesians 5:2, Romans 8:2) Jesus is important to God, and so are we! But, because of His love for us as our God, He sacrificed He who He loves, for those He loves. God sacrificing His son, is the most authentic example we can ever have of a leader paying the price personally. However, God’s authority over us is far more than just leadership, but sovereignty. 

Why Sacrifice?

While sacrifice is not a must, it is inevitable in leadership. For leaders, sacrifice is a show of commitment to those you are leading. Anyone who wants to lead without sacrificing anything does not understand what true leadership is all about. Such a person will end up leading those under his or her leadership astray. Leaders not willing to sacrifice for a course, group, nation, organization, or generation they are leading, will end up corrupting and reducing the significance and effectiveness of those they lead. Hence, it is safe to say – “You can’t Lead without Sacrificing.” Sacrificing one’s comfort and time as a leader to put more effort into what one is leading others to achieve will yield a more effective result. Here are four reasons why you must make sacrifices as a leader;

Set An Example.

As a leader, you can only get your followers to sacrifice towards the goal if you lead the way. Your sacrifice as a leader encourages your followers to be more committed towards the main goal. As a leader, you ought to learn to set an example for your followers. Do you want them to be hardworking? Be hardworking yourself. Do you want them to devote more time to the course at hand? Do the same! Leaders must set good examples for followers to emulate, one of which is making sacrifices.

Inspire Loyalty and Trust.

Sacrificing as a leader for the betterment of the organization, or the interest of your followers helps build their loyalty and trust for you. Followers trust you and are encouraged to be more committed when they know you can get out of your way for them. They will remain loyal, and trust in your ability.

Earn Respect 

When you make sacrifices as a leader, you are regarded as selfless and dedicated. Hence, earning you the respect of your followers. When followers respect you, they are less rebellious and more focused on what they can achieve with you as their leader.

Develop Personal Growth 

As a leader, bearing the personal costs of leading effectively helps you improve and grow, and discover yourself. Sacrificing as a leader will help you build emotional intelligence and confidence.

What To Sacrifice?

Now we know the connection between sacrifice and leadership. We must know what we can sacrifice just as it is important to know why we should sacrifice (I need to do this so you don’t sacrifice the wrong thing) So, here are four sacrifices you can make as a leader;


One of my favorite female speakers Mrs Olajumoke Adenowo will always say; that time is the unit of life. To waste time is to waste life. As a leader, you must learn time management. You can only sacrifice the time you have. Hence, the need to manage your time well, so you have time to sacrifice for the betterment of the organization or team you are leading. One sacrifice that is inevitable for every true and effective leader is the sacrifice of time. A leader should invest extra time into a project or goal at hand, to make sure the work of the team, the goal of the organization, and the desires of the followers are satisfied. A good leader must be a good time manager.

Personal Interest And Comfort 

I can remember vividly those times I had to sacrifice watching a Chelsea FC’ football match on a weekend because I had to coordinate rehearsals for a drama, music, and dance presentation in church. I was the director. It was my duty to make sure we rehearse, and to make that happen I had to sacrifice watching my preferred football club those weekends. Watching Chelsea FC play makes me feel good and loyal, but it shouldn’t come at the presentation that would come and go. I had to make that sacrifice as a leader. If your leadership is not being effective, then you need to check those personal loyalties you have in your life that you have failed to sacrifice for effective leadership. Some things have to wait for something more important. As a leader, you must learn to choose correctly what that “something more important” is. You must learn to prioritize.

Financial Gains And Recognition 

You will spend your own money as a leader for some things to work more effectively. If all you know about leadership regarding finances is financial gains and no losses, then you ain’t ready to lead effectively. As a leader, there are times you will have to sacrifice financial gains for value and authenticity. There are times when you will have to choose between what is right and what is profitable. For the sake of good and effective leadership, stick to what is right. It might not be easy, but setting up good structures and principles can help you achieve that. Recognition is one thing you must also learn to sacrifice, or not let get into your head if you want to lead effectively. This article “The Power of Self-Acceptance and Self-Love in the Race to Recognition” will help you deal with an unhealthy desire for recognition.

Final Words

Sacrifices are essential as far as effective leadership is concerned. Does this mean to just sacrifice anything? No! It means to be intentional, proactive and committed as a leader. The success of the team, organization, or group you lead is dependent on the decisions and actions you make or take. Put in the work, count the cost, and be ready to make necessary sacrifices.

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