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How to build a supportive community for people with disabilities

How to build a supportive community for people with disabilities

What can we do to build a community and society that is supportive and inclusive of people with disabilities? Here are five things we can do:

We need to understand that people with disabilities are humans too

Most times people tend to forget that people with disabilities are humans and not just the way we see them. We often forget that people with disabilities are humans that share the same basic similarities such as desires, talents, and skills as us.

Creating an accessible community

We also need to create a community that is accessible to disabled people. Creating communities like this can be achieved by designing buildings such as banks, parks, and other dwelling places that should be barrier-free and accessible to all people with physical disabilities.

Make workplace inclusive

Disabled people have the skills and the ability to work but hardly get a job. Most Employers think that it is too expensive to create a workspace or to accommodate them. Employers fear that people with disabilities won’t be as productive as people with able bodies. It is now for employers to make their decision based on proper education and not mere assumptions and stereotypes. Employers need to see people with disabilities as an asset and not a liability.

Promote social inclusion in schools

There should be consciousness of how we treat and behave toward disabled people and this should begin in elementary schools for students. If this happens there would be less discrimination and more inclusion will occur. This will also help people appreciate the gifts and talents of others. It is the responsibility of society to promote the inclusion of our differences.

Actively interact with your community member with disabilities

This is the most powerful way to promote acceptance. In the communities and workplace, workers also need to get to know their neighbors and co-workers with disabilities. Having discussions and interacting with them about the challenges they face can help break these barriers and this will boost their confidence and give the “can do” spirit. 


We need a society that is inclusive of everyone and learn to appreciate each other for who they are; talented, gifted, and unique beings. This will help to break any form of stereotype and biased assumptions while promoting acceptance of people with disabilities.

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