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Why You Need Prayer Partners

Effective Prayers
1. Does God Answer All Prayers?
2. The Place of Gratitude in Prayers
3. The Place of Faith in Prayer
4. Why You Need Prayer Partners
5. The Prayer of Intercession
6. How to be Accountable With Your Prayer Life

The idea behind having a prayer partner is to have someone that would intercede for you and vice versa before holy God. The aim is to find God’s will for every situation.

A prayer partner could be your friend, your spouse, a sister or brother in church, your siblings, but most importantly a believer.

Committing to praying with a prayer partner will provide accountability for your prayer life. You’re committing to pray for someone else, for yourself, and vice versa. The prayer partner relationship will provide that added accountability to not skip your prayer time, but instead make it a priority.

Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

‭‭Matthew 18:19-20NIV

This means that, where two or more people are gathered in the name of the Lord, He’s with them.
Having a prayer partner and being truthful with them is important. God can easily tell your partner things about you. God can show them things about you.

Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

As believers, we are told to uphold each other. Edify ourselves. When I can’t pray and I need someone to call, I should call my prayer partner.

Also, your prayer partners could be your community of friends. Having three to four persons come together to pray for one another.

These days, people get overwhelmed easily and cruising these days doesn’t help one. Be someone one can call to pray for them.

Have a community of people you can call to pray for you because;

  1. Praying together provides comfort for our pain.
  2. Praying together reminds us we are part of the Church.
  3. Praying together puts us all on the same needy level.
  4. Praying together makes God’s presence known.
  5. It gives us that feeling of belonging. The feeling that your hands can be held and you won’t derail. The feeling that you are kept secure.

This brings me to practical guidelines to consider when choosing your prayer partner(s);

  • Know the community of friends you keep. The word of God says, Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.
  • Be with God’s spirit-filled friends. People who God can expose you to and they’ll hold your hands and say, we are never letting go.
  • Have a spouse that can tarry in the place of prayers with and for you.
  • The partnership is both ways, you should be prepared to equally pray for your prayer partner.
  • Preferably, choose someone of the same gender as your prayer partner as this could aid more openness.
  • If your prayer partner has to be the opposite gender, don’t give the devil a space. You could both be in danger.

Prayer partners are very important in our lives as believers. We can’t do life alone. With God and partners in our midst, everything in life is achievable.

Be a prayer partner to somebody today. Find a community you can always pray with. Be committed to praying for one another. This will help your relationship with the Father.

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