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Find what works for you and stick to it



Wouldn’t it be perfect if we do not just make plans but follow through with them?


Recurrently,we have in our head or sometimes down in the line on the pages of a book what to do but it doesn’t always happen because self-control is an often tested virtue and for the life of us, we wish our plans will come alive in reality, effortlessly. Although we know that effort drives plan into reality, laziness and ignorance come as second nature to us, still,  it is very important that we understand that attaining success in anything at all will need a plan but most earnestly, efforts!


The key is to find what works for you and to stick to it. This will help you organize your priorities, curb procrastination, keep track of your progress and record great change.


What works for you?


It’s okay to get motivated by anyone but it isn’t always okay to impose on yourself their own strategies. The truth remains that what works for everyone might not work for you because there is no “one-way” to do most things. It becomes a way when someone stays on that plan and committedly and consistently work through until a  path is created.


After finding, sticking is a whole load of work by itself but remember that a path is not created unless the one with the plan commits to it, sticks to it. Likewise, consider the eventual worth and not the work. Do not sit around waiting for motivation because it will seldom come to you,you wouldn’t always feel like it,success doesn’t always come in comfort,you have to work hard to effect change and just as habits become second nature to us, the things we do over time will require lesser effort with each passing day and the glory of change will overwhelm us.


“Life is short” is an excuse why we should not waste precious time trying out new things yet we would never know if we do not try and life is too short to be lived in a stereotyped misery. So don’t get weary of trying out new things and find out the things that resonate with your frequency.  Life becomes easy when we find our own paths and walk in them.

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