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Ignite - DeAltar


My favorite melody

My perfect harmony

The songs of hearts

Time of ceaseless amazement

The assurance of perfection

The expression of sacrifice

The person of God


It’s the season, not just today but every day.

Every day for love

Emma’s big day is drawing near, her big beautiful eyes colors the world every time. I plan to surprise her as her little godmother so I’m gonna bake her a cute cake. Jumai came in and reminded me of the date. “Like I don’t know” I rolled my eyes but then it suddenly clicked, the date February 14. So it’s 2 days from now and it will be live, happening everywhere, the event Valentine. Emma’s birthday that day too. Who will be my val?

Kunle hasn’t spoken a word about it and Chima is equally silent. “What will my Valentine be like? ”

Anyway, it is time for evening service. I’ll think about it later, off I go.

Pastor James message was all about Valentine but it was very different.

“It will be a misstep if you interpret this love as catching a grenade for the pretty one you admire, or hanging out at a restaurant with that guy or girl, or exchanging gifts with your val. Come on, love is more than that! ” my eyes were glued to him, he could almost read me.

“It’s the season of love…” He continued; “so let’s not go fooling ourselves. There has not been a greater love than a man laying down his life for his friends.

The questions arising in your head tells that you are willing to try out this love. But how can I lay down my life for my friends? You ask again.

Don’t be dissuaded yet, this greater love is one that only our savior could give his friends- us. All we can do is do something as extraordinary as put a smile on a face, touch a heart.. ”

Exactly, it’s what I’m going to do on that day. Put a smile on pretty little Emma’s face.

“And there has not been a special time for this than every time.” Pastor’s voice rang through the auditorium

Yeyyy!!!! I’m quite excited, but now it has nothing to do with the tag “Valentine” but everything about what it is about LOVE.

From now on, sparking up the love in hearts, igniting the fire of love. Sharing the person of love.

And so far, there won’t be a better time than NOW.

You Are Never Alone

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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