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The Story of my life - Aremo Olalekan - DeAltar

The Story Of My Life – Aremo Olalekan {Part 4}


That night, the Holy Spirit made the word flesh. “For the thoughts that I think towards you are thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end”. I realized that even if my parents had made a mistake, He didn’t. He had a plan for me.

I was grateful for being born. I was grateful for the great sisters I am privilieged to have, I am thankful for the brothers He has given me. I am thankful for the different people he has used to teach me at different times and I am grateful for the people he has used me to add coulour to their lives, I wouldn’t have traded them for anything.

I used to imagine if I had a different father or mother, what it would be like. I got my answer. If I had a different mother or father, there won’t be any Aremo Olalekan Oluwatobi, there won’t be anyone with the combination of my DNA, experiences and life battles I currently have. There would only have being someone else, I wouldn’t have ever existed.

I decided to hold God by His word because I know that all things work together for the good of them that love God to them who are called according to his purpose.

I knew for a certainty that I was created for a reason, the world may call me born by mistake, it doesn’t matter. Friends may call me Pinocchio, it’s of no consequence.  Everyone may look and think that nothing good can come out of this, it all doesn’t even hold a pinch of salt, as long as God hasn’t called me all those. Guess what he has called me?

For ye (aremo Oluwatobiloba) are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people to show forth the praises of him who has called us into his marvellous light.” That’s really who I am.

With this understanding, I tell those who care to ear that the seeming point of mockery; my ears and nose, are actually prophetic representations from God. The ears are raised that much to show that I will be a ‘hearer’ of spiritual things and bring it to the people. The long nose foretold the fact that I’ll be able to smell trouble from afar and prevent or avoid it. I would also be quick to perceive spiritual things. So whether anyone laughs or not, it didn’t matter.

Now, I go around confident in the person God has made me to be, from time to time, I still feel inadequate, but God has ways of pressing my brain’s reset button.



I wrote this specially for you because I feel you’ll need this. Forget what people say about you, forget what that school bully thinks about you, choose not to let their opinions form who you are.

For me, I decided to do the things I was told I couldn’t do, for you, if you try and it seems it’s not your thing, please feel like you are less than those that can play football or do some other boyish thing (or girly if you are a girl). Just keep moving towards the place that God has destined for you.

People say you are an angry wreck, choose to prove them wrong and ask God to make you calmer. They call you a mistake, walk with God and fulfill purpose and see them call you the solution. People will always have what they think about you, but it is your life, you have to decide what you want. No one else will decide that for you. The moment you allow what others says become the perception with which you see yourself, you’ve succeeded in crowning them sovereign over your life, no one has the right to that except Jesus.

Don’t allow low self-worth finish you, finish it by doing what you can do. Moreover, you won’t know how much you are capable of until you do that which you are not capable of.


The End

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. 💪💪💪💪💪👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍Thanks for sharing your story, it really insipires me

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