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#31DaysWithTheAnchor – Day 6


Genesis 12:1-4

Yesterday, we looked at trusting the Anchor. Trusting and obedience to move side by side. I realised in my meditation with the beautiful spirit of Holiness that God cannot be trusted and not obeyed. Yes! That hymn “trust and obey” spoke to me!

It is so funny when we the children of the Lord claim to trust our Anchor, yet, there are some things we are reluctant to do. At first as a child of God, we begin the beautiful process of WALKING with God by obeying. Then we trust, obedience comes up again even while trusting. This could now be where our faith says no. It says “baby, this seems too much to obey”

Remember, Father Abraham didn’t stop trusting God at that moment. He obeyed, he trusted and kept obeying even while trusting.

Look at the time God brought up the idea of sacrificing Isaac, Abraham’s only son. Genesis 22:10

“And Abraham stretched forth his hand and took his knife to slay his son”

This was after Isaac had asked him where the lamb was and Abraham had replied with a word of faith.

Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts. The next verse makes us understand that we are to acknowledge the Lord for direction of our paths. Acknowledgement here simply means “It is you I’d obey. It is you I’d respect. It is you I’d FOLLOW”

No one else. It simply means you know that you’ve started the journey with God in obedience, trusting His word along side and then finishing this race obeying. Don’t forget that while running a race, you can’t win by disobeying the rules of the game, no matter how fast you run. Never take His Grace for granted. Our salvation should be worked with fear(faith) and trembling(consciousness and willingness to obey)


Go back to God concerning one or two things you haven’t obeyed him faithfully on and obey.

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