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A female hand writing a letter to God about the things she has learned this year

Letter to God: Three Things I learned this year

Dear God,

It’s me again.

First things first, thank you. You are a good Father, and your goodness has carried me through this year. Although I sometimes forget to be grateful, I acknowledge that I am absolutely nothing without you. You remain patient with me even when I am inconsistent and full of complaints. I remember how we started the year, the promises and instructions you gave. We agreed that this would be the year where I would allow you to handle all my worries and in turn enjoy your rest and peace.

Your words pumped me up and gave me the courage to start the new year, regardless of what life would throw at me.

Yet, halfway into the first month of the year, I had forgotten all that you had promised and became overwhelmed with the cares of this world. As much as I am grateful for life, I still feel like this year was way too challenging.

From starting the year frustrated with my 9 -5 job to quitting sometime in the middle of the year and dealing with the financial crisis that followed. Not to talk of the emotional battle I fought this year. I almost lost my mind, and I am not kidding. For me, this year has been a roller coaster.

Dear God, there were times I cried so hard and wondered if you were seeing me at all. I wondered if you wanted me to give up or die before helping me. The Psalms of David became my favorite passages of the scripture. I would read David’s pleas and cry some more in prayers. I needed a miracle desperately and I wished you’d just wave your heavenly wand to fix the situation. Lol.

I am grateful for the things you taught me this year

As I write this letter, I realize that I have come out of several difficult situations, one at a time. Honestly, it was not easy going through them, but I have a Father who walks with me. And that is you, God. As if that was not enough, you were teaching and changing me alongside the challenges.

I learned to trust your word

I went back to the word you gave me from Isaiah 26 verse 3 at the beginning of the year. Peace can only come when I keep my heart focused on your word. And that was exactly what I began to do. I looked for scriptures concerning several areas of my life and meditated on them. These words built up my faith and helped me face each day with new strength.

I learned not to compare myself with others

It was quite difficult for me not to compare when I watched other people’s lives and saw what they are doing, it felt like I had not made any progress. I thought my pace was too slow and I might never catch up. Yet again, I found in your word that only fools compare themselves and that my journey is different. Whether I choose to go back to school, start a business, or learn a skill, as long as it pushes me closer to the life you have planned for me, then I am doing very well too. I focused on my journey and I absolutely love how far you have brought me.

I cultivated an attitude of gratitude

The act of gratitude is not spoken of enough. In paying attention to how the events in my life were playing out this year, I realized that I had been ungrateful. I saw how much you have helped me grow, strengthened me, and walked with me. Never at any point did you leave me hanging or helpless. You always came through even though life’s overwhelming situations want me to think otherwise. I learned to be grateful for the things you have done for me, the ones you are working on that I may not know yet, and the amazing life ahead of me.

You will always be God

Through the good, bad, and ugly days this year, I have come to realize that you are a Faithful Father who will forever be committed to his Children. I will trust you and the process I have to go through till my life becomes a perfect reflection of who you are.



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