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Peace - DeAltar

Peace In The Storm {My Experience} By Oluwatosin Faith Kolawole

Peace In The Storm {My Experience} By Oluwatosin Faith Kolawole

Knowing God has been a beautiful journey for me since I accepted Jesus’ invitation into my life. One of the things I have come to understand is his peace that passes human understanding. It is refreshing, and it awes me.
My life revolves around a lot of things and I’ve found myself in a number of storms, including the ones that look impossible to get out from. My only assurance lies in the fact that I have a God who has promised me his peace and who looks after me each day. With Jesus, I’ve got nothing to worry about. Of course, I’m human and the worries try to creep in at some point but I remember the God I serve.

There’s something I like to call the “salvation package”. It is the package we receive when we are saved. Peace is one of the things in this package and every believer must come to understand that we have peace through Jesus Christ. After being saved, we gradually understand more things and one of them is knowing that you will keep resting in this peace and it seems to increase even much more than when you just got saved. Now, that’s interesting!

There are times when I take a break and decide to think about everything going on in my life and I realize that I have no reason to smile. I have every reason to sink into my thoughts and sulk in. I have every reason to cry every day and every moment. But then, it’s the total opposite and that’s just God. No one else but God could make that happen. I feel I have the biggest burden on me, but I have a God who lifts the burden up at my request and lets me fly around without minding the thorns around.

I now worry less when I’m in the midst of a storm, because I know worry will do nothing. I know I have God who keeps me in his rest. I know I am secured in him and everything will turn out fine. This is how he assures me.
I’m also excited about how my walk with the holy spirit keeps improving and there’s a way he just keeps me calm and makes me feel so refreshed that nothing going on around can put me down.
Know that you have peace. Understand how this peace works. Remind yourself constantly of this beautiful thing. Live in this peace. Rest in this peace. God’s got you in whatever storm.

You Are Never Alone

Written by: Oluwatosin Faith Kolawole                                                                                                                                                    Teens Meet Online


Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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