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The year we’ve been dreaming of. The year we’ve been waiting for is right here 2018..
Goals are still very intact, plans have been meticulously listed and ideas are very much fresh.

So many achievements to be made and you are proud of yourself just looking through your plans, just maybe panic comes with a “how” question to achievements.

It is huge; the dream and reality has got to be just as huge but still the question “how” still lingers… FOCUS

A little drunk to get a drive, lol….

Focus intoxicates you into accomplishments now the point of focus is the determinant.
We choose what we magnify and in that magnifying lens we have to be looking right because the things we magnify become our reality.

So let’s look to the only source of help Jesus believing in His wonderful and sincere promises. Hinging our hopes and dreams on it.
So let’s magnify the good things, step out of ordinary. Let fear out the door. Make a dare to come out, the world has been waiting for your manifestation.

Staying positive, Lets blow them away. Confessing to yourself and believing
I can do ALL things through CHRIST which strengthens me
Not some but all and just and only through Christ.
Back to the beginning, Let’s work to make it a great year.

Let’s Focus…..

You Are Never Alone.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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