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A Long Way From Here By Victoria

A Long Way From Here By Victoria

Living up to that idyllic dream, there’s too much to do. Rough roads, stressed paths, confusing and frustrating by-the-ways. With each step, the pent up drive fades. Wondering when your heyday will come, “one more illusion” you think

Almost outta your grasp, your dream slips. The process to it is outrageous and overwhelming, much more than you can handle.

It ain’t easy. Nothing easy has ever really profited anyone, it has only added to the number of easy things we can do. Rather, the process in overcoming is what makes the ease that comes after the difficulties, a soothing balm of success.

Patience is an often said word but, the exercise is extremely tasking. Not after all of your efforts, it should come quickly about now. You’ve come a long way from there to here. It isn’t here still, but you would want to remind yourself that you didn’t come this far to give up.

Maybe you didn’t know about the plans

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

See, there are plans for you. Amazing, universe-wide plan, God has them.

You might have been too uptight in your plans, how about a space for flexibility to God’s will, plans …. They might not seem to suit you initially but the end is always perfect, and as long as you are walking in them, He will see you through.

It wasn’t promised to be easy but, worth every while. So when stress, confusion, fear come along to turn your focus, Look beyond them. Confidently rising cos the one behind you is greater. And one thing is for sure, whether you know it or not, God’s got you covered.

You Are Never Alone

Written by Victoria


Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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